The last cigarette

Wait…who was she..?

(My mind couldn’t resist thinking about that woman who passed by me..when I was smoking a cigarette near the bus stop..!)

As usual I left for my office from home in morning,today I got bit late and coincidentally my bus was also late. So I thought I would smoke a cigarette till then.

Went towards a nearby tapri (shop) got a cigarette and and one cutting chai (tea) , lit the cigarette and took a long drag and blew it in the air..after few drag a woman around 30’s carrying a infant in her arms came towards me, took my cigarette and threw it on the ground.

Till the time I react to her…she left saying “hope you live longer..!” . I was flushing with anger..but couldn’t react to her because she was a woman and I was in public so I had to control it. I left that place as soon as that incident happened..!

Got into my bus and reached office…but couldn’t stop thinking about that woman. She was beautiful, expression on her face was bit frown yet calm, the baby she was carrying in her arms was asleep, but there was some instant connection between me and her, felt like I know her, felt like someone close to me.!

It’s been 15yrs to that incident,I quit smoking, whenever I tried to smoke the face and words of woman came infront of me and I couldn’t smoke.! . Tried to look out for her around the bus stop but couldn’t find her . Still I couldn’t forget that woman.!

(“In our life some people come into our life as a blessing and change our life forever ! Respect and show gratitude towards such people”!)

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