In search of happiness.

Knock knock !

Who is it..?

I am you !

What do you want..?

I am in search of happiness,

I heard you have it..!

Can you share it with me ..?

They, shared a part of happiness,

With each other for a while,

Turns out ,it was gone in a while.

Kept knocking at each door,

In search of happiness to live more

Disappointed,hurt,and pain in the heart,

Gave up the thought of search of happiness.

Thought if ‘I’ was ‘me’ !

Happiness would come in search of me.

Realised the mistake,

Loved myself truly.

And the happiness came in search of me.

Next day,

Someone knocked on my door,

Who is it ? I asked.

I am you! Came the answer.

What do you want? I asked.

I am here in search of happiness,

I heard you have it.

just replace ‘you’ to ‘me’,

And happiness will come straight at your door.” I said.

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