Do you want water..?(he asked)

No ..I’m fine ..!( Bani replied)

But first tell me who are you..?,and why are you helping me..?, What’s your connection with my husband..?and who are these people after me..? (Bani questioned him in anger..!)

Calm down..!I will tell you everything..! I’m Austin Jane . Your husband and I served for the army together..!

(After hearing this bani was absolutely shocked..! The man she loved was an army man..! )

(Joseph jose ,her husband and the man she loved . Joseph and bani met each other in her office, Joseph use to work in accounting and finance department,while she use to work as a company secretary. From lunch breaks to dinner date they both never knew when the fell for each other..! After dating for one year , Joseph popped up the question of marriage to her ..! And here she was now .!)

Austin: (Joseph and my other teammates were given special secret ,and Joseph was our head chief….when we were on the mission , we found some really important information about our nation in a micro chip …and how some of our political parties were helping the terrorist..! In that mission Joseph lost his best friend Kane ..after that mission Joseph began falling sick and got mentally ill due to which he was resticated ..! And then after he joined your company..!)

Bani: ( But now…what’s wrong…where is my husband..? Is he safe..? And what’s his connection to the chip now..why are people after me ..?)

Austin: after his suspension…the chip got stolen from the military department. ! And only the major suspect was Joseph.!

(Bani was completely unaware of everything happening..she was not sure whether to trust this man or not .is he really telling the truth..! The only thing matter to bani was to find her missing husband..! )

After 2hrs of travelling they finally reached their destination . .bani looked around the place was familiar to her.!

To be continued..:-)

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